Saturday, May 14, 2016

VEEP Season 5 Episode 1: The Morning After

VEEP Season 5!
     I don't know who was more excited my husband or I.  We love this show.  I am seriously in love with Gary and Selina's relationship.  I find him absolutely adorable and love how he takes care of her.  So, as I write about this show if you find me showing particular love for Gary, this is why.
     So the first episode opens up with a tie between the two candidates and if the tie isn't broken then the presidency goes to the vice president.  Hugh Laurie aka Tom James is now the enemy.  Although, the biggest enemy of this episode would have to go to Selina's new zit.  So big even her hair gets caught on it.  It's almost ridiculous if I hadn't seen one that big in real life before.
     Using a fitbit is huge this episode and so is counting steps.  And even Kent Davison (Gary Cole) can count his steps in his head, over 4,000.
     The lead agent that was called in to be part of the secret service to look like Selina from behind is Clea Duvall, who both Selina and Gary are both blown away because Selina is obviously curvy and Clea is straight as a board.  Once again in this scene I'm in love with Gary because he can read Selina's mind perfectly.
     Nevada has some kind of issue with its votes and needs a recount.  If this really happens, then Selina has a real shot at getting President again,
     Jonah gets put under his intern, Richard, because apparently Richard has a doctorate in recounts and elections.  Jonah and Richard switch desks in their office and Jonah likens his new desk area to that of Harry Potter's cupboard bedroom under the stairs.
     While giving a speech about Nevada, Selina's zitzilla grows even bigger than before.  And during her speech, everyone in her audience is getting updates on how the DOW is dramatically dropping due to the tie.
     Kent will not stop correcting people on their language, in his mind everyone is pronouncing Nevada incorrectly.  Instead of getting old, it's actually funny and just happens out of the blue every now and then.
     The decide to make Tom James (Laurie) economy czar in order to keep him occupied.  Whether he wants it or not.  She officially offers him the position, even though he is saying no the whole time.  She announces he said yes to her offer to the pack of press waiting for her outside the white house as she gets into one of her cars.
      Dan Egan tries to quit his job to get back with Selina and Amy is trying to decide if she wants to stick with Selina or get a different job.  When Selina interviews Candi with an i to head up the Nevada recount, Amy decides she wants in and just kicks her out of the interview, which plays right into what Selina wants.
     Amy calls Dan and asks him what he's doing and he says he's eating a sandwich on a bench that is made even more pleasurable by the homeless man watching him.  What some people don't see is that the homeless man is really Tyler Labine from DEADBEAT, and he has a sign that says "Support my Super PAC".  Which I find really clever because Pac is his nickname in his other show.

     Selina decides to do a symposium on race and finds that all the experts from all the colleges she got to be a part of the symposium turned out to be white professors.  Even the historically black college.  So they try to round up some black people to fix the problem and Mike McLintock accidentally opens a restricted door in the stair well while he's trying to get stair points or his fitbit.  Sue, Selina's secretary, who is African American herself is called to help out at the symposium and runs through the door behind the stage right as Mike hits the alarm and secret service is all over her.
     Instead of taking any of the blame, they decide to throw Bill Ericsson under the bus and even blame him for the race symposium.  Which ends our episode with CNN news in the background while Gary blows for five minutes on the new family recipe fix for Selina's zit.  Jonah, Richard, Amy and Dan all arrive in Nevada and Jonah realizes how low he's sunk when he's stuck getting rooms for everyone at the hotel and he is at the back of an incredibly long line.

     All in all, I'm super excited for this new season and they did not disappoint in the first episode.